Oil & Gas Career Coaching

Looking for a new direction ? Feeling unhappy at work? Ready for a career change or a career transition? Or maybe you’re unsure about your career path after university? You feel like your life is going around in circles? We’ll help you to achieve short and long-term personal and career goals.


Benefit of career coaching

Career coaching is to give you the knowledge and tools to empower you in your career. Career coaching can be done at any point during the work life of a professional. It can go from finding a student job at the very beginning of your career, building a new CV, negotiating specific conditions, to guiding you towards your next career role

In partnership with you, we assess the most pressing needs where coaching can support an career’s development and ability to deliver their most effective influence and output. We consider the organisational context and the matrix of personal dynamics between key personnel.

What are the expected outcomes:

  • Motivating oneself and others
  • Developing working skills
  • Strategic thinking
  • Tactical problem solving
  • Enhancing teamwork
  • Emotional issues that detract from performance and effectiveness
  • Coping with pressure, stress and responsibility
  • Improving the work/life balance
  • Clarify your career direction and find your place in the world!
  • Explore your career options in detail
  • Gain knowledge of careers that best suit you
  • Develop skills to overcome the anxieties that come with change
  • Learn about suitable courses or training options
  • Develop greater self-awareness
  • Learn techniques to build your confidence
  • Receive feedback on how to improve and tailor your resume
  • Discover a range of job search strategies
  • Develop a detailed career action plan to support you in achieving your career goals

We determine what needs to be learned and how that can happen. Insight must be integrated into practice. Sometimes there are internal blocks, belief systems and ‘identifications’ that prevent us from producing our best work and feeling well in the process. And there are mental habits and emotional patterns that can bring down our overall level of performance. Many of the highest achievers often feel they have not yet fulfilled their potential. Some do not see what is stopping them. Another perspective can help with this.

Ultimately, after a period of support from career coaching, participants should be independent, autonomous and authentic.

How does the process work?

The principle of coaching essentially works through the cultivation of critical reflection. Critical reflection begins through dialogue and involves the development of a perspective upon ourselves to view our strengths and weakness, and especially where we go wrong, make mistakes, lose our momentum, deplete our inner resources or get into conflict with ourselves or others. The aim of critical reflection is to see ourselves as clearly and objectively as possible, to cut through self-deception and confusion, to become our own best mentor.

In practical terms, the usual coaching process involves 20 fortnightly 1½ hour sessions over a nine month time-frame. This can occur in person, by telephone, email, or internet telephony like Skype (with or without camera) – or any combination. In-person is best but often not possible as we work with people all over the world.

The number of sessions, their length, frequency and the duration of the overall process can be adjusted. Whether we work with one executive, two or more, a whole team or any combination becomes part of the plan to be worked out. Our approach is flexible.